November 17, 2008

Hello YaMa’EL!!!! Thank you very much for the assistance that you have given to me. It has been a while since I’ve had any energy work done so you are a “GODSEND.” Well, I have to tell you that I feel very well since the first few activations. For the 1st activation, [Humanity Code] I actually physically felt the work that you were doing on me. I felt a soft buzzing sensation on my face throughout the day and can honestly say that since the 1st activation, I have felt more love and respect for people. I have been looking at people and just thinking to myself, oh, yeah, there goes God:) I use to be very arrogant and egotistical, but now I realize that it does not matter how spiritual I proclaim to be, or what I know, I am useless without a respectable amount of humility and a desire to serve humanity. Thank You very much for participating in my discovery of that fact:) I am very much looking forward to a [Full 7 Chakra Reading, Clearing and Realignment]. I feel I would really benefit from this work. I Thank You in advance for the healing and realigning session. Peace and Blessings be upon you.