Quantum Heart Healing and DNA Activation Can Heal Your Relationships & Your Life!

Divinity Codes Quantum Heart Healing and Clearing

Why is Heart Healing so important? Have you ever wondered what happened to people caring for people and helping each other when the opportunity presented itself? Loving our neighbors like ourselves? Or witnessing people expressing unconditional LOVE without expecting anything in return? Our world has not looked like that for a very long time.  It has been SO Long because people have forgotten how to love, to care, to share and forgotten that we are ALL ONE! 

That state of Heart Centered connection, that vibrational harmony that connects us all to the highest levels of consciousness where we can access our TRUE DIVINE SELVES, the I AM that we ALL are, has been lost on this planet and this world is heading for serious trouble without it!

Most people are not capable of accessing their hearts because their DNA & RNA have been manipulated, hijacked and unrecognizable due to blockages and unnatural seals which has closed off the heart and 4th DNA strand. It’s not our fault, it is encoded into our Junk DNA! So instead of our natural state of LOVE, people interact with reality and others from an emotional state which is expressed from the lower vibrational chakras BELOW the heart! This is because the heart chakra is closed to its original high vibration which is the true state of being that we were created to have. 

When we live from our Solar Plexus and Sacral chakras our focus in life is taken away from the heart and into a much lower vibrational state of being. This is why the Hawkins Scale Frequency of most people’s being is under 500 (the vibration of LOVE) instead of the thousands and MILLIONS in frequency we are capable of achieving when we can access a fully activated and balanced heart center and a 100% activated 4th DNA Strand. 

Love is who we are! Love is not an emotion as most people think. It is our default state of being. Yet most people are incapable of experiencing or expressing the true feelings of empathy, compassion, heart centered caring and unconditional love! One can only express those things from an ACTIVATED HEART! Yet fear, greed, contempt and even sadness are felt and expressed from the belly chakra; the solar plexus. All those feelings then transfer to the heart causing even more blockages that close it down even further.  

How Can This powerful Heart Healing and DNA Activation Help You?

“I just wanted to share a situation I had at work this morning that would normally have set me off, yet I felt strangely calm and could feel kindness a little bit for the other person who I normally dislike. This is a big improvement for me so thanks again” JB

A Quantum Activation of the Heart Chakra and corresponding Heart Center along with the full activation of your 4th DNA strand will raise your vibration and awareness out of the depths of the anger and despair of the lower chakras and restores heart centered loving and loving, the way your Multidimensional Heart was created to be! 

In order to activate your heart center properly we MUST first activate DNA strand 4 which is the gateway to your soul as your soul identity, which is stationed in dimensions 4, 5 and 6. Without the proper activation of the 4th DNA strand people will remain trapped in 3D and living from the first 3 chakras.

The HEART is the key to everything, and IT is controlled by the DNA, and NOW you can unlock and restore access to your Multidimensional Heart and the True Divine Self that you were created to BE without the distortions and blockages that have kept you stuck in the 3D Matrix of your mind and emotions. 

Once you are living from an Activated Heart, it UNLPUGS you from the Matrix and those lower vibrations will no longer restrict you or hold you down! 

How Do You Know Your Heart and 4th DNA Strand are NOT Activated?

  • Are your relationships unhealthy and leaving you resentful, sad, lonely, one sided or leaving you feeling unseen, unappreciated or feeling unworthy?
  • Do people in your life seem to take and want from you with nothing in return or leave you with feelings of guilt and shame?
  • Have you experienced betrayal, rejection, fear or non-trust in in your relationships with your family, significant other, friends and coworkers?
  • Do you have feelings of low self-esteem, or find it difficult to love yourself and others unconditionally? 
  • Do you find yourself in relationships that keep repeating the same unwanted or unhealthy patterns and events of past relationships?
  • Do you enjoy being truly alone with yourself or do you prefer the company of others to feel happy, safe or complete? 

These are all signs of heart blockages and once your heart is properly activated and you are cleared of all these blockages and your 4th DNA strand is activated you won’t feel you need anything or anyone outside of your own self to feel happy and fulfilled. That feeling comes from the Heart Center and most people have no idea what that feels like until it is cleared!

“Thank you so much for my heart clearing yesterday! There were so many amazing parts! After the session, my vibration seemed to be clearer/higher. At certain points in the day I thought I was having an out of body experience. I can see things differently and feel them at a higher level within me. I had moments of sadness and I was able to clear them. I am Learning to identify my family traits and what I carry with me. All in all, I feel lighter. Happier. Able to cope.” BG

What is Included in the Quantum Heart Healing & DNA Activation?

Imagine being free of the past and free of all the heart blockages, seals and energetic imbalances that have caused so much traumatic fragmentation of your soul and heart chakra! Imagine happy healthy relationships based on truth, harmony and unconditional love. That is exactly what awaits you when you partake of this 4-part 15D Quantum Heart Healing and DNA Activation!

Here’s what you will receive in this powerful 4-part session …

quantum heart clearing and dna activation bullet

You will be cleared of all Unnatural Implants, J-Seals and Cell Death Programs that are blocking your heart chakra and holding your 4th DNA strand hostage. 

bulletYour 4th DNA Strand will be fully activated and cleared of all that has been holding you back from experiencing AND expressing your True Divine Self!

bulletYour Heart Chakra and corresponding Heart Center will be properly cleared, balanced and ACTIVATED to 100% spinning clockwise at a healthy rate of speed. 

bullet Lastly, you will be activating Unconditional Omni Love and I AM Presence awareness into your consciousness and all 15 dimensions of your energetic anatomy!


Are you ready to release the past and all that is holding you back from healing your life and the ability to have healthy relationships and deeply desiring to love yourself and others unconditionally without all the 3D drama?

Then your Higher Self has led you to the right place!  

How Do I Receive the Quantum Heart Healing & DNA Activation Session

The energy exchange for this 4-part activation session is only:


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To learn more about your chakras and how you can cleat them, please check out my Advanced Auric Clearing

[After Paypal payment has been made, you will be returned to this website. You will receive a Paypal receipt as well as an email from YaMa’EL confirming the Scheduled date of your Energy Healing Session. Within 24 hours of your session being completed, you will receive a final email report from YaMa’EL detailing your session along with any messages or guidance received in your behalf ]
