November 10, 2011

The last days since the [higher self reconnection session] I felt quite tired, at least my body felt very tired, also I noticed an energetic change around my head which caused a bit of a slight headache. When I started the process like repeating also the Calls, I noticed immediately how my own energy became much purer and clean, I also noticed that the room where I was sitting was becoming brighter and lighter. During the mediation my body was filled with high vibrational energies. It didn’t take long, it just took some seconds. The vibration of my body, aura changes and became much higher. It was really like a strong current and again I felt how all energy were purified. My consciousness moved automatically to my heart, my mind was still. I felt the energy flowing through all my body, also arms and legs and feet. I feel some blocks have also been removed around my head chakras. Also the energy of the spine was upgraded. When I finished the process again I noticed that the room where I was sitting has become all pure and light. Thank you again Blessings & Love,